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Filtering to venues listed on specific aggregators
Filtering to venues listed on specific aggregators

Filter your analysis to see which venues are listed on one aggregator but not listed on another

Chris Thomas avatar
Written by Chris Thomas
Updated over a week ago

The listings filter enables you to filter to venues which are listed on one aggregator but not available on another. Easily see venues listed on Deliveroo or Uber eats but not Just Eat.

To filter to venues listed on Deliveroo and Uber Eats but not Just Eat open Grid Builder.

Choose your venue selection - This can be used on venue groups, text or location searches.

Click Filters and scroll down to the Listings section.

Choose which aggregators you want to see venues listed for. You can choose more than one. Click And or Or.

And means if more than one aggregator is selected the venue needs to be listed on both.

Or means it needs to be listed on one or the other.

Then choose the aggregators where the venue isn't listed.

Click Apply

You will then see all the venues listed on Deliveroo and Uber Eats but not on Just Eat.

Reports can be saved with these filter options applied in Grid Builder.

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