Takealytics captures Hygiene Rating on a weekly basis from each aggregator.
This data is shown both in the Venue Dashboard and in Grid Builder.
To track Hygiene Rating across your estate select the Hygiene Rating field in Grid Builder and show data across all aggregators. This report is really useful for highlighting instances where there is a variance in Hygiene Rating across aggregators for the same restaurant. This often happens when one of the aggregators has the incorrect Hygiene Rating link or hasn't updated the Hygiene Rating after an inspection.
Click through to the aggregator link to see the Hygiene Rating on their site. When you click through on Deliveroo its easy to see if this is connected to the wrong restaurant.
Use Hygiene Rating data to identify and underperforming locations by sorting the data from low to high.
Above: Examples of where Hygiene Rating on Uber Eats varies to the other aggregators.